2 Tricks to Save the World from Eckhart Tolle That (Almost) No-one Ever Seems to Know About

Trick #1: If someone shows you an easier path than the one they took in the beginning, call this bullshit. Trick# 2: Take the spiritual metaphors as objective facts.

Story Taller
10 min readFeb 1, 2022
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

If you don't know yet, there is a big problem (or two) with Eckhart Tolle, and no one, except our heroic fellow writer Edward John seems to talk about it.

As someone who used Eckhart Tolle`s insights to finally understand what meditation is and how to use it in my daily life, I am now very grateful that I did not have to face the big problems that sweet article is so selflessly signaling to us. 🙃

OK, I am not so sure about the “selfless” word I used in the above paragraph… I love the way he wants to protect the world from the “Eckart Tolle danger”…

My sarcastic part wants to say "good luck with the be-so-stressed-until-you-become-enlighten-method!”



Story Taller

Writer, Tantra therapist, and Laughter Yoga teacher. I love writing about life, love, and hope. I dream about starting a holistic retreat center in Portugal. 🙂